Panel1: Reshaping faculty capabilities
Borna Jalšenjak, PhD

Borna Jalšenjak, PhD is a leadership and business ethics professor at Zagreb School of Economics and Management and Luxembourg School of Business (Luxembourg). He also serves as an invited faculty member at St. Ambrose University in the United States and the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies, the University of Zagreb in Croatia. His research interests are in business ethics and CSR and the cross-section between leadership (especially theories of motivation) and philosophy (primarily philosophical anthropology and ethics). Besides teaching and research, he is dedicated to his coaching practice and applying knowledge to real-life business problems. Dr. Jalšenjak has a master’s degree in philosophy and religious studies from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus in Croatia and a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Zagreb. He has taken professional development programs at IESE Business School in Spain and has finished the ICF-certified coach training at Erickson Coaching International in Canada.
Metka Tekavčić, PhD

Prof. Metka Tekavčić was named Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (FELU) in 2013. From 2001 to 2007 professor Tekavčič was Vice-Dean at the FELU. From 1999 to 2001 she was also the Head of the Academic Unit of Management and Organization. Her research interest lies in the fields of cost and performance management, as well as non-profit and especially education management. Prof. Tekavčič is president of the FELU’s Senate and the Head of the Institute for Management and Organization. In 2014 she was awarded the Artemida award for Women’s Excellence in Management. From 1992 till 2013 she was a member of the City Council of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She has long been and remains a member of the supervisory boards of many important Slovenian companies and other institutions. In addition to her work, prof. Tekavčič has also served as a member of the advisory board at the University of Primorska and was elected as vice-dean of Challenge: Future. In 2016, the Dean Tekavčič was appointed as a new member of the EQUIS Accreditation Board.
Vesna Dodiković Jurković, PhD

Vesna Dodiković-Jurković, PhD is a Vice Director of the Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE). Within the agency her main responsibilities include: Development and introduction of a model of external audit of Quality Assurance Units at Croatian HEIs; Dissemination of a good practice and promotion of a quality culture among HEI’s at national level; Cooperation with other European and international agencies and networks that are oriented on processes of external evaluation in higher education sector; Human resources development and cooperation of ASHE with HEI’s and scientific organizations as well as other involved stakeholders; Introduction of QA system in line with ESG at ASHE, and many more. Ms. Dodiković-Jurković obtained her PhD in 1998 from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Nature Science. Since then she was participating in numerous international training programs such as “Performance Audit in the Public Sector” (Berlin, 2014), “Management of Higher Education Institutions” (Israel, 2012), “Evaluation of Science & Technology Policies” (Manchester, 2012), and many more. Ms. Dodiković-Jurković is also a member of the Scientific Committee CIMQUSEF since 2010.
Dino Ivan Dogan, PhD

Dr. Dino Dogan is an experienced executive and a professor of Management at the Luxembourg School of Business. He has extensive experience in the telecommunications and media sector. Dino has worked 10 years with Alcatel in their German subsidiary and in their Paris headquarters. In the Telekom Austria group, he acted as the CFO of their Croatian subsidiary and as CFO of Mobilkom Austria, overseeing and implementing the merger with Telekom Austria to create Austria’s largest telecommunications operator – A1 Telekom Austria. For the successful integration, he was awarded the European Change Communication Award. Dino has also served as the CFO of Croatian Telekom (a member of Deutsche Telekom group) and has worked as a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. Dino currently runs his own Business consulting and Design management company and acts as the CEO of Europlakat d.o.o. (a member of JCDecaux group). Dino received his MBA and PhD from the University of Stuttgart.
Inga Koryagina, PhD

Inga Koryagina, PhD is a Head of the International Division, Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Finance at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and is awarded the 5th place in Associated Professor’s university rating in 2019-2020. Her academic disciplines are Marketing, Services Marketing, Strategic Marketing, International Business Etiquette, Cross-Cultural Сommunications in Business in Russian and English for bachelors and masters. In September 2020 she participating in the project of the Komsomolskaya Pravda website KP.RU – ” Healthy conversation”. In March 2020 she participated in the preparation of the participant in the finals of the Olympiad on team management in the professional sphere HEAD HUNTER -2020, who took 1st place, Rusalliance “Sova”. In January 2020 she received a diploma for the scientific advising of the student who won 1st place in the Open Competition of Initiative Research Projects “HIGH GOALS – 2019” with the article “The Current State of Academic Mobility of Foreign Students in Russia”, Rusalliance “Sova”. In July 2019 she was a Guest Lecturer at the Pompeu Fabra University International Business School and ESCI Universitat Pampeu Fabra Graduate School of International Business (Barcelona).
Panel2: Striving in innovating environment
Mato Njavro, PhD

Mato Njavro, PhD is the dean of the Zagreb School of Economics and Management, where he teaches financial courses. Mato Njavro is also a professor at the Luxembourg School of Business and a lecturer at the University of St. Gallen and Singapore Management University where he teaches the Chinese Economy course.
From 2016 to 2020, Mato resided in Singapore where he worked at the Institute of Management of the University of St.Gallen in Asia (SGI-HSG) and Singapore Management University. Before moving to Singapore, Mato spent a year as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. His research interests are focused on financial markets, public policy and economic development. He is the author and co-author of several scientific papers and studies, including the Harvard Business School case: “Atlantic Group” on one of the largest M&A transactions in the CEE region.
He is the founder and academic director of the New Europe Business Forum, an interdisciplinary event that brings together world leaders from various fields once a year to discuss topics of great importance to our society as a whole such as entrepreneurship, leadership, scientific innovation and economic policy.
He completed his undergraduate and graduate studies at the Bocconi University in Milan in the field of economics and finance, and received his PhD from the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland in the field of finance. Before earning his PhD, he gained work experience in London working for Lehman Brothers and Nomura, in the investment banking sector.
Pesuth Tamás, PhD

Pesuth Tamas, PhD is an Associate professor at the Institute of Finance, Accounting and Business Law, Department of Finance. He received his PhD in International Relations at the Corvinus University in Budapest, Hungary. From 2016 to 2017 he was a Director of International Relations at the University. From 2017 to 2019 he was Director of External Relations at the University. In 2015, he spent five months as a Visiting PhD Researcher at the University College in London. In 2014 he spent 7 weeks at Harvard University and he was a Guest Lecturer at MGIMO University, Shanghai International Studies University, University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business and Saint Petersburg State University, Graduate School of Management. He speaks English, German and Russian.
Panel3: Sustainable financial models
Zoran Barac, PhD

Zoran Barac, PhD is the Managing Director of the Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) where he is also the Head of the Finance and Accounting Department. Dr. Barac received his Ph.D. in Management at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland and his M.Sc. in International Economics at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business. Currently he teaches the course: Corporate Governance. Before joining the Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Dr. Barac held several senior executive and board positions in the corporate sector such as a finance director of the regional media company and CFO of a pharmaceutical distribution company. Before entering the corporate sector, Zoran Barac was the President of the management board of the Croatian Pension Investment Company. Dr. Barac also served as a Governing Board member of the Croatian Pension Supervisory Authority in the period from 2000 to 2005. Dr. Barac currently serves as the President of the Supervisory board of Platinum Invest, an Investment Funds Management Company. He also serves as a Supervisory board member of the ZSEM Business Academy and a member of the Supervisory board of Croatia Airlines. As an experienced coach and sports official he serves as the President of the Croatian Wushu Federation, a national sports organization that governs Croatian Wushu, which is the collective term for the martial art practices and sports which originated and developed in China. Also as a National Wushu team coach, he coached medal winning athletes in national and international competitions. Dr. Barac also served as a member of the Governing Council of the Croatian Agency for the Supervision of Pension Funds in the period between 2000 and 2005.
Irena Martinović Klarić, PhD

Irena Martinović Klarić holds a PhD is biology from University of Zagreb, MS in biomedical sciences form Northeastern University (Boston, USA) and BS in biology from Emmanuel College (Boston, USA). She was a recipient of the doctoral scholarship for the UNESCO/Human Genome program and Wenner-Gren post-doctoral fellowship. As a biological anthropologist specializing in human population biology, she published in a wide range of genetic and anthropological journals and worked in research projects supported by Ministry of Science and Education, Croatian Science Foundation, International organization for Migration, European Social Fund, Smithsonian Institution and Royal Society. Dr. Martinović Klarićhas taught courses in molecular anthropology and applied anthropology at University of Zagreb and since 2015she is the assistant professor at Croatian Catholic University where she teaches general anthropology. In 2017, dr. Martinović Klarić was appointed as a Program Committee Member in Horizon 2020 for health, demographic change and wellbeing. From beginning of January 2019, dr. Martinović Klarić is Executive Director of the Croatian Science Foundation.
Havelda Balázs, MA

Havelda Balázs is the CFO, and Deputy CEO of Diákhitel Központ Zrt. Following his Masters degree from Budapest Corvinus University he worked for Diákhitel Központ and Citibank. In2005 he joined Diákhitel Központ again and he has been working on managing the Hungarian student loan scheme in several positions with continously expending responsibilities for 15 years now. Currently he is responsible for treasury, controlling, BI, risk analyis, finance, accounting and procurements. He has two sons.
Panel4: Labor market ecosystem
Mirna Koričan Lajtman, PhD

After leading several market analysis projects, Professor Koričan Lajtman joined the Zagreb School of Economics and Management in 2003, first as an Assistant, and then in 2007 as a lecturer. she earned her Master’s degree in psychology in area of social psychology, and in 2009 she earned an MBA. She has spent extensive time on academic exchange at ZSEM’a partner universities, such as John Carroll University and St. Ambrose University, both in the United States, and at IESE in Spain, and has completed additional education in the areas of management, communication methods, corporate governance, and human resource management. She also completed a ten day General Management Program organized by Michigan University and the Zagreb School of Economics and Management.
From 2007, she has been the Coordinator for the Graduate MBA Program Management Specialization, and from 2009 she has served in the same capacity for the Human Resource Management MBA Specialization at ZSEM. Professor Koričan is a member of ZSEM’s Assesment of Learning Team as part of ZSEM’s AACSB accreditation drive. From October 2003 to 2007 she was the Head of ZSEM’s Student Satisfaction and Professor Assesment Survey Project, which is conducted twice annually. She also heads the Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Project which ZSEM conducts in cooperation with the East-West Management Institute, Hungary. At ZSEM, she teaches the Principles of Management, and Human Resource Management courses at the undergraduate level, and Principles of Management, and Human Resource Management Strategy at the graduate level.
She is currently also an active consultant on a European Union project from the IPA IV component; the component of human resource development.
She has authored numerous research and scientific works (CSR, Women and SME’s, Decision Making Characteristics of Board Members in Croatian Banks, HRM Function and Strategy-The Croatian Perspective and others), and has been the editor od many books in the area of management (Modern Management, Negotiation, Becoming a Better Value Creator, Strategic Interviewing, Six Sigma, Strategic Management and others).
She has an active knowledge of the English language, and also can speak French and Spanish.
Mike Rosenberg, PhD

Mike Rosenberg, PhD is a Professor of the Practice of Management in the Strategic Management Department of IESE Business School. He began teaching part time in the MBA and Global Executive programs in 1999 and joined the faculty on a full time basis in 2003. Professor Rosenberg lectures in IESE’s MBA and Executive Education programs, where he teaches strategy, geo-politics, and sustainability and publishes a weekly blog on these topics under the title Doing Business on the Earth. His first book, titled Strategy and Sustainability (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), is an exploration of the link between business and the environment and looks at the issue more from the perspective of business executives rather than that of environmentalists. The second book is titled Strategy and Geopolitics (Emerald, 2017) and is written to encourage business leaders to pay more attention to what is happening around the planet. Both books offer his own frameworks for looking at these two issues. From 2004-2009, Professor Rosenberg managed IESE’s International Executive Education Unit. He was also the Academic Director for the Advanced Management Program in Media Entertainment and has co-edited Managing Media Businesses (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), which is based on the course. Rosenberg is also the Academic Director for a Short Focused Program called Leading in a Matrix Organization at IESE’s campus in New York City, as well as a for a number of Custom Programs for corporate clients of the school. Prior to join IESE Business School, Rosenberg was the Automotive Practice Leader of Heidrick & Struggles and prior to that he spent 15 years as a Management consultant in Europe, North America and Asia for A.T. Kearney and for Arthur D. Little, primarily in the automotive sector. Professor Rosenberg received his PhD. from Cranfield University, an MBA from IESE Business School, and a Bachelor of Science in Naval Architecture from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.
Vladimir Dujić, MBA

Vladimir Dujić, MBA is the head of the learning and development department at Infobip, which together with a global team of 12 people, from Bogota to Manila, is in charge of the global learning and development strategy. Vladimir graduated from RIT Croatia, as he believes in lifelong learning, in addition to continuous education in which he constantly participates, he completed the Master’s Certificate in Career and Talent Management from CIPD in London, Cotrugli EMBA in Zagreb and is a certified NLP Coach. Also, the certifier is within the Selectia Employer Partner Certificate project. He gained experience in several industries (tourism, oil, banking and IT) in Croatia and abroad in various areas of human resources from attracting talent and employer branding, selection, talent and career management, employee engagement in managerial development. In practice, Vladimir likes to push the boundaries with projects and initiatives that are forerunners of trends in learning and development employees who have a lot of his (and his team’s) projects in different companies have been rewarded by the profession. In private time she likes hanging out with friends, walks and games with her daughter, follow interesting and educational articles and posts on LinkedIn.
Boris Debić, PhD

Boris Debić, PhD Google’s Chief History Officer emeritus, is a technologist who spent 15 years with the company from its earliest days and in the period of the most accelerated growth ($3B to $161B revenue/yr, 3500 to 210k workforce). He holds an M.Sc. in Physics from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. At Google he has worked in several roles: Release engineering, G+Privacy, Global Infrastructure, Data center site location, AI driven decision making, Ads serving and machine learning infrastructure, Developer Relations. He has worked with on analysis and exchange of global climate modeling data sets and agricultural data to provide food security forecasts, also in providing access to education to Syrian refugees in Jordan and across the Arab world. With support from NASA Ames directs Mars Society’s NorCal Rover project. He is a board member of several high tech startup companies in both the US and Croatia including which was featured as a top three at Launch Fest in San Francisco. He teaches AI at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management. Prior to Google he held positions in: Silicon Valley startups, most notably E.piphany; the United Nations; the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the University of Zagreb. Boris Debić has been a lecturer, invited keynote speaker, IEEE editor and organizer of Computer Science conferences.
Paul A Fadil, PhD

Paul Fadil, PhD is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Management in the Coggin College of Business. He holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and International Management from Florida State University, and an MBA with a focus on International Business from Florida International University. He has been at UNF since Fall 2004, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Organizational Behavior, International Management, Organizational Theory, Human Resource Management, and Administrative Management at both the graduate and undergraduate level. He has won 9 awards across five universities for outstanding teaching and instruction. He has also led over 21 study abroad trips in 11 years to Austria, Hungary, Scotland, Italy, Germany, Jamaica, The Czech Republic, and France. He has taught in Germany, France, Japan, South Africa, Hungary, Jamaica and many other countries. His research focuses on Cross-Cultural applications of Management and Behavioral theories, as well as domestic cultural diversity and social networking theory. He has over 35 articles published in various journals and has won 7 individual research awards and commendations. He has presented at over 100 conferences and keynoted several others. He has also worked with numerous corporations on leadership, motivation, and cross-cultural communication throughout the Jacksonville region. Dr. Fadil has been interviewed by the Florida Times Union and local television and radio outlets over 50 times on various Management topics. He was also a specific contributor to the local NBC/ABC affiliate where he developed and delivered a weekly topic driven show called “Office Chat” that aired at 7pm every Thursday night on First Coast News. In his down time, Paul loves spending time at the beach with his wife Adrianne and their two beautiful daughters, Jillian and Francesca. He looks forward to many more fruitful years at the Coggin College of Business.
Panel5: Higher Education in and after COVID – 19
Karmela Aleksić – Maslać, MSc

Karmela Aleksić-Maslać, MSc the senior lecturer, is the head of the ICT Department at Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM), head of freshmen and SUR (part-time students). She is co-managing ZSEM’s MBA Program Management Information System and is a member of ZSEM’s AACSB accreditation team. Master’s degree gained at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) in Zagreb, where she is also writing her doctoral dissertation in e-learning system quality management. As a teaching assistant at FER, she was engaged in teaching and scientific research activities and has participated in the ten technology and IT projects financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and Croatian Academic and Research Network (CARNet). She took a leading role in introducing the first projects of various kinds of e-learning in education in Croatia, such as videoconferencing, digital content, multimedia and LMS systems. Since 2002. is working as Head of the ICT Department at Zagreb School of Economics and Management. She developed a course syllabus, “Information and communications technology”, “Management information systems”, and “Enterprise Resource Planning Systems”. She participated in the creation of the syllabus of all elective courses within the ICT Department. She played an essential role in the systematic introduction of e-learning in education at ZSEM and in the e-learning system quality management. She has published over 50 scientific papers in reviewed international conferences or journals. Also was the reviewer in several conferences and journals.
She is the founder and program chair of the ZSEM students conference Management Information Systems.
She is a member of Sloan Consortium, IEEE Education Society, International Network for Engineering Education & Research – INEER; EDEN-European Distance and E-Learning Network, IIIS – International Institute of Informatics and Systemics.
Shab Hundal, PhD

Shab Hundal holds a D.Sc. in accounting from the Jyväskylä University, School of Business and Economics in Finland. He is having two master’s degrees; M.Sc. Financial Management, Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, U.K, and M.Sc. (Honours School) Economics, Punjab School of Economics, India. He also holds a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.). Currently, Shab Hundal is working as a Senior Lecturer of Financial Management at JAMK University of Applied Sciences. Before it, he worked at the Ministry of Education, Singapore; Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council (UK), Marks & Spencer (UK), and British Telecom (UK). Shab Hundal has published several scientific articles in the fields of corporate finance and corporate governance. The journals include Corporate Ownership & Control, International Journal of Business, Governance & Ethics, Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance, Journal of Transnational Management, etc. Shab is on editorial boards of many journals. He is also a member of the Finance Finland Academy.
Hamadou Saiah-Hassane, PhD

Professor Saliah-Hassane earned a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from McGill University in Montreal, a Bachelor and Master of Applied Science degree from École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada. He is currently teaching Informatics and Computer Networks and Security at TELUQ University in Montreal where he is carrying research on Intelligent Distributed Systems and Mobile Robotics. Professor Saliah-Hassane is currently chairing the Working Group of the joint standardization activity on “Secure and Trusted Learning Systems” sponsored by IEEE Education Society, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) and IEEE Computer Society Learning Technology Standards Committee (CS/LTSC). Professor Saliah-Hassane has received many awards in recognition of his accomplishments, including the IEEE Education Society’s 2020 Chapter Achievement Award, the EdWin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award (2019). And aligned with his work on Distributed Embedded Systems, the IEEE Standards Association award with appreciation for chairing and contributing to the development of IEEE Standard 1876™ – 2019 on “Networked Smart Learning Objects for Online Laboratories” (2019), the IEEE SA 2019 Emerging Technology Awarded to IEEE SA 1876™ – 2019 Working Group and the “2005 Achievement Award” from the International Network for Engineering Education (iNEER) for “Research and Innovation on Online laboratories and for the Advancement of International Collaboration”.
Professor Saliah-Hassane is a member several International Committees and Advisory Board including International Association on Online Engineering / Global Online Laboratory Consortium IAOE/GOLC (2009 – ) and Yixue Squirel Education Group Learning Science and Technology Board (YixueLSTB) (2018- ).
Abdelkri Haqiq, PhD

Prof. Abdelkrim HAQIQ( has a High Study Degree (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures de troisième cycle) and a PhD (Doctoratd’Etat), both in the field of modeling and performance evaluation of computer communication networks, from Mohammed V University, Faculty of Sciences, Rabat, Morocco. Since September 1995 he has been working as a Professor at the department of Applied Mathematics and Computer at the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Settat, Morocco. He is the Director of Computer, Networks, Mobility and Modeling laboratory: IR2M. He is anIEEE member / Communications Society. He is also a member of Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs), Washington, USA. He was a co-director of a NATO Multi-Year project entitled “Cyber Security Analysis and Assurance using Cloud-Based Security Measurement system”, having the code: SPS-984425. Prof. Abdelkrim HAQIQ’s interests lie in the areas of modeling and performance evaluation of communication networks, mobile communications networks, cloud computing and security, emergent technologies, Markov chains and queueing theory, Markov decision processes theory, and game theory. He is the author and co-author of more than 170 papers (international journals and conferences/workshops). He supervised 15 PhD thesis and co-supervised 3 PhD thesis. Actually, he is supervising and co-supervising other PhD thesis. He is an associate editor of the International Journal of Computer International Systems and Industrial Management Applications (IJCISM), an editorial board member of the International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics (IJIEI) and of the International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies (IJBC), an international advisory board member of the International Journal of Smart Security Technologies (IJSST) and of the International Journal of Applied Research on Smart Surveillance Technologies and Society (IJARSSTS). He is also an editorial review board of the International Journal of Fog Computing (IJFC) and of the International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF). Prof. Abdelkrim HAQIQ was a chair and a technical program committee chair/member of many international conferences and scientific events. He was also a Guest Editor and Co-Editor of special issues of some journals, books and international conference proceedings. From January 1999 to December 1999 he had a Post-Doctoral Research appointment at the department of Systems and Computers Engineering at Carleton University in Canada. He also has held visiting positions at the High National School of Telecommunications of Paris, the Universities of Dijon, Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines and LAAS CNRS, Toulouse in France, the University of Ottawa in Canada, the FUCAM in Belgium, the National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia, the University of Naples Federico II, Italy and the University of Algarve, Portugal.
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