HEIC2020: paper winner
Each year, participants can submit their papers in accordance with the conference topics and contribute to the scientific discussion. Peer-reviewed papers are published in the proceedings, with an appropriate ISBN distributed electronically. A certain number of papers were selected as best papers and in the extended version recommended for publishing in an international journal.
We are pleased to inform you that the winner for the best paper at HEIC2020 is Jasmina Dlačić from the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia, with her scientific paper Groundwork for higher educational institutions – Assessing perceived service quality. In her work, Dlačić explored perceived service quality in a HEI from a student perspective. She states that as competition intensified, „the focus on providing superior service quality became imperative for higher educational institutions“ while she agrees that „internationalization is ubiquitous and top-quality higher educational institutions implement international accreditation standards“.

Here is what Mrs Dlačić says about her HEIC experience:
„The HEIC conference is a perfect venue for institutions seeking high-quality standards in higher education. Although the conference was held online, it provided a wealth of networking and learning opportunities. At the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka, a few years ago we began the foundational work of finding out where we are in terms of higher education quality, a part of the process that I’ve explored in my research paper. All to modify our processes to meet high educational quality standards that AACSB support. We sincerely believe that the only way forward for higher education institutions is to put students at the center of learning by continuously improving quality of teaching and scholarship.“
This year we are again awarding the best Full Paper at the Conference and the winner gets to attend the next HEIC with a 50% discount! Join us in presenting scientific papers of renowned world experts and engage in productive panel discussions on current topics. Let’s open together new frontiers in higher education. The deadline for paper submission is the 15th of September 2021!